Is celebrated periodically, but not during Lent. For information on Parent Information Sessions, contact the rectory for required attendance. Adults who desire Baptism receive the Sacraments of Christians Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil, folllowing a period of paricipation in the Rite of Christain Iniation of Adults. For more info call 202 678-4999.
Baptismal Preparation for infants - 6 years
Baptism of infants is to take place within the first few weeks after birth. The faith of parents, who are Catholic, together with their intention to raise their child in that same Catholic faith, is a necessary prerequisite for celebrating this sacrament. The process begins with an interview with one of the priests. A four evening catechesis program for parents and godparents regarding the responsibility they take upon themselves when they present their children for baptism is required.